It really is true what they say, communication is key. Communication is one of the most important factors in a healthy relationship but it’s not as easy as it sounds to many couples, being an area which can be improved and lead to huge results. By being able to convey ideas and feelings freely and having the ability to give your partner your full attention as they talk, you can become great communicators and express yourselves in a healthy way. Whether you’re discussing a tough emotional struggle, debating differing views on a topic, or even looking to spice up your bedroom activity by introducing sex whips, here is how to improve communication between you both:
Get them talking
Communication is about being able to dig deep and get to know your person even better than you already do, becoming comfortable talking about their feelings. Without pressuring your partner to spill their deepest secrets, try asking more open-ended questions as this gives them an opportunity to share more if they choose to. Not everyone opens up very easily so be sure to be patient if they are not sharing all the time as everyone’s boundaries are different and it is key to maintain mindful and respectful of each other’s boundaries. The more you get to know each other on a deeper level, the more open and honest you may be with each other as you generate a deeper level of trust.
Listen to non-verbal cues
Look deeper than the words your partner is saying to identify any body language that may speak a thousand words. If somebody says they are fine, but they sound irritated, upset, or angry, then there may be something else that they’re not yet ready to communicate, but it is important to make them feel like they can talk about it when they are ready. Communication is not just about the words we say, but also how we say them as our tone and our attitude actually give away a lot more than just the words we speak. Being able to pick up on those nonverbal cues by looking at facial expressions, hands movements, eye contact, and their language, you can vastly improve communication and approach the conversation in a more tactile manner.
Tell them how you operate
We’re not mind readers so sometimes you have to spell out your communication style to those around you. Whether you want to just vent and get your thoughts off your chest or you want some advice on what you should do next, keep your partner informed so that you’re on the same page and can get the outcome you want. Before you get into it, tell them that you need to vent right now or that you really need their advice on a situation, letting them know exactly what you need in that moment and being direct about it to alleviate any kind of miscommunication. This is a great way to avoid frustration and potential arguments as you and your partner learn how to work alongside each other.