The following MBA Sample Projects on Information Technology can serve as a great jumping-off point for the trainee who wishes to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) degree. The eight-week program, provided by San Francisco State University, is designed to help prepare students to enter the IT world by providing them with a solid background in IT. The curriculum consists of lectures, hands-on laboratory practice, internship, and project assignments. Students also have the opportunity to complete a course of study that is focused upon one of the three main areas of IT: business, computing, or software engineering.
The Bachelors of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) project examples to teach students how to analyze a variety of IT systems, including IT infrastructure, computer systems, desktop networks, servers, and software applications. These classes focus on using a variety of problem-solving techniques, design techniques, and realistic programming exercises to demonstrate to the student the various IT solutions. Students also gain valuable networking experience by communicating ideas with other students in the class and by presenting their projects at conferences and workshops. Hands-on experience with real software applications is also extremely helpful in a job search.
In the MBA Sample Projects on Information Technology, students are presented with projects that address specific IT issues. Each project begins with a definition of the problem and a concise description of the solution. Projects are then categorized according to type, purpose, or technique. Most students work on their own in groups, but some work in teams to tackle more complex projects. Within the scope of each project, there are generally two to four different groups of participants. Project teams include one or more individuals with a diverse level of knowledge on the technology.
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One of the most popular project teams is a team of Information Technology specialists working together on a project based on an existing customer service need. The consultants begin by evaluating the needs of the organization. They gather documentation, conduct research, and gather information regarding the most common challenges customers face in using an IT system. Based on the collected information, they develop a project plan and approach the project in a way that meets the organization’s objectives.
Another popular project group is a group of marketing managers who are responsible for implementing a new CRM solution. They begin the project by defining the problem, collecting customer information, analyzing data, developing a plan, and testing the solution. Then they implement the solution. The end result is a CRM4 that solves the problem, provides better customer service and improves profitability. The students must still perform additional data collection and analysis. They will also use a case study to validate the results of their project.
An interesting project for MBA students is one based on a real-world problem. A group of IT managers was given a set of customer data. They were tasked to find out what five things customers hate about using technology. Using the results of the analysis, they implemented a series of solutions to improve technology and make the process easier for their customers.
Project groups are not the only way to learn about applying MBA concepts to business. A business learning center or consultant can guide a student through a project based on real-world scenarios. For example, consultants may conduct a webinar on how to create a successful community website. Students can then study how to conduct an effective meeting and discussion.
There are a variety of different organizations that offer free MBA sample projects. Some are hosted by professors at schools or have connections with schools that provide training in the topic. Other sites are designed by volunteer organizations. Students can participate in a project based on their own interests. They may even choose to do a project that matches their career goals. If they find that they are able to successfully complete a project and pass a certification exam, it could greatly enhance their resume.